Weymouth in the War of 1812


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Cleverly's Company

Captain Jonathan Cleverly's Company
Regiment: 2nd Massachusetts Militia - Lieut Col Samuel Webb, Jr.
Company: 1st Brigade
Cohasett Alarm, June 1814

1st Lieut. Humphrey, Ebenezer
Ensign Humphrey, Lemuel
Ord. Sgt. Whiton, Starks
QM Sgt. Bates, Charles
Sgt. Leach, Charles
Sgt. Lovell, Cotton
Sgt. Thompson, John

Bates, Caleb
Bates, Laben
Cushing, David
Cushing, Ziba
Hayward, Peter
Nash, John
Porter, Laben

Badlam, Stephen
Bates, Benjamin
Bates, Benjamin Jr.
Bates, Cotton
Bates, Elnathan
Bates, James Jr.
Bates, Jesse Jr.
Bates, John
Bates, William
Bicknell, Stephen
Bicknell, Thomas
Bigelow, David
Binney, Elkanah
Blanchard, David Jr.
Blanchard, William
Burrell, Asa
Cushing, John
Cushing, Thomas II
Cushing, Thomas III
Dyer, David
Dyer, Stephen
Faxon, Elijah
Ford, David
French, David
French, Isaac
French, Stephen Jr.
Holbrook, Daniel
Holbrook, Elisha
Holbrook, Joshua
Humphrey, William
Hunt, Asa Jr.
Hunt, Samuel
Kingman, Samuel
Loud, Ebenezer
Loud, Joseph
Lovell, David
Nash, Amasa
Nash, Asa
Nash, John P.
Nash, Martin
Nash, Timothy Jr.
Nash, Zichri
Pratt, Abner
Pratt, Asa
Pratt, Enoch
Pratt, Gideon
Pratt, Laban Jr.
Pratt, Lewis
Pratt, William
Reed, Thomas
Reed, William
Stoddard, Athanasius
Thomas, James
Tirrell, Noah Jr.
Torrey, James
Torrey, John
Torrey, Silas
Vinal, John S.
Wade, John
Williams, Isaac

Captain Jonathan Cleverly's Company
Provisional Militia
Cohasett, June - August 1814

Sgt Leach, Charles
Lieut Loud, Samuel
Corp Holbrook, John
Sgt Thompson, John
Ens Torrey, Noah

Fifer Pratt, Charles
Cushing, John

Bates, James
Bayley, John
Cushing, Adam
Cushing, John 2nd
Dyer, Samuel
French, David
Holbrook, Daniel
Holbrook, David
Hollis, Hosea
Jones, Moses
Joy, David
Nash, Levi
Pratt, Laban
Pratt, Matthew Jr.
Rice, William
Richards, James
Shaw, John
Thayer, David
Tirrell, Benjamin Jr.
Torrey, Benjamin

Derby's Company

Captain Benjamin Derby's Company
2nd Massachusetts Militia - Lieut. Col. Samuel Webb, Jr.
Company: 1st Brigade
Cohasett Alarm, June 1814

Lieut Stetson, Timothy
Lieut Shaw, Oliver
Sgt Burrell, Samuel
Sgt Shaw, Kingman
Sgt Torrey, Phillip
Sgt Vining, James
Corp Bates, Jacob
Corp Hawes, Joseph
Corp Smith, Simeon
Corp Vinson, John

Canterbury, Asa
White, Jeremiah

Pool, Gardner
Rogers, John
Smith, John

Ager, Jonathan
Bates, James
Bates, Oliver
Bates, Reuben
Bayley, Abraham
Blanchard, David
Blanchard, Ebenezer
Blanchard, Nathaniel
French, Thomas
Hawes, Caleb
Hawes, James
Haws, Samuel
Hollis, Jonathan
Joy, Cyrus
Loud, Nathaniel
Paine, Lemuel
Pratt, Asa
Pratt, Jacob
Pratt, John L.
Pratt, Josiah
Richards, David
Shaw, Jacob
Shaw, John
Thayer, David
Thomas, John
Thomas, John 2nd
Tirrell, Cyrus
Tirrell, David
Tirrell, Levi
Torrey, Benjamin
Torrey, Samuel
White, Joseph
Whitman, Eben F.
Williams, Joseph C.

Tirrell, Vinson

Monroe's Company

Captain Thomas Monroe's Company
Regiment: 1st Massachusetts Militia - Lieut Col Joseph Dudley
Service at [Fort Independence], South Boston, 1814

Sgt Leach, Charles

Fifer Burrell, Robert

Blanchard, Nathan
Blanchard, Thomas
Cushing, Abner
Cushing, Adam
Cushing, John Jr.
Derby, Martin
Dyer, Stephen
Holbrook, Daniel
Holbrook, Elisha
Loud, Alexander
Loud, Daniel
Loud, Ebenezer
Pratt, Gideon
Reed, William
Stoddard, Athanasius
Thomas, James
Tirrell, Kingman
Vinal, John S.
Wade, John

Kendall's Company

Major L. Kendall's Battalion Artillery
[Fort Warren], Boston, 1814

Corp Hawes, Joseph
Corp Smith, Simeon

Hawes, Caleb
Hawes, James
Paine, Lemuel
Shaw, John
Thayer, David
Thomas, John
Tirrell, David

Blanchard, Nathan
Cushing, Abner
Loud, William

Note: Fort Warren was at Governor's Island in this time frame. Governor's Island is now a part of Logan Airport, and no longer an island. This land mass is directly across from Castle Island and can easily be seen from the pier. There was another fort called Warren on Grape Island. This fort was raised in the time of the Civil War, and has no affiliation with the fort that was on Governor's Island during the War of 1812.

Ame's Company

Captain Moses Ame's Company
Service at Boston

Tirrell, Ezra

Note: More names will be added to this list as we receive them.

Loud's Company

Captain Jacob Loud's Company
Regiment: 2nd Massachusetts Militia - Lieut Col Samuel Webb, Jr.
1st Artillery Division
Cohasett Alarm, June 1814

Lieut Loud, Samuel
Ens Torrey, Noah
Sgt Burrell, Stephen
Sgt Holbrook, Abner
Sgt Hollis, Isaac
Sgt Nash, Joshua
Corp Holbrook, John

Drummer Bates, John
Drummer Whitman, Thomas
Fifer Burrell, Robert
Fifer Loud, Eliphalet
Fifer Pratt, Charles

Bates, Samuel
Bates, Warren
Bates, Zacheriah
Bayley, John
Belcher, Eliphalet
Blanchard, Cyrus
Blanchard, Nathan
Blanchard, Reuben
Blanchard, Samuel
Burrell, Ansel
Cushing, Abner
Cushing, Adam
Cushing, Asa
Cushing, David
Cushing, Robert
Derby, Martin
Dyar, Joseph
Holbrook, David
Holbrook, James
Holbrook, Nathaniel
Holbrook, Silas
Hollis, Hosea
Hunt, Daniel
Hunt, Elias
Hunt, John
Joy, David 2nd
Kingman, Zachariah
Loud, Alexander
Loud, Bartley
Loud, Perez
Merritt, Allen
Merritt, Amos
Nash, Ebenezer
Nash, Levi
Nash, Moses
Nash, Thomas
Orcutt, Samuel
Percival, James
Pool, Ebenezer
Pratt, Bela
Pratt, James
Pratt, Matthew Jr.
Reed, David A.
Reed, Isaac
Reed, Laban
Richards, Jacob
Richards, James
Shaw, Hezekiah
Shaw, Jabez
Shaw, John
Shaw, Jotham
Shaw, Philip
Stetson, Jeremiah
Stoddard, Hezekiah
Tirrell, Benjamin Jr.
Tirrell, Joseph
Tirrell, Kingman
Tirrell, Leonard
Tirrell, Reuben
Tirrell, Stephen
Torrey, James G.
Trufant, Ezra
Trufant, Jonathan
Vining, Bela
Vining, John
Vining, Noah
Vinson, Ebenezer
White, James
White, Thomas
Williams, Chauncy