A Selection of Revolutionary War Documents

Massachusetts Militia Warrants
To ______
YOU being duly enrolled as a Soldier in the Company of which ______ is Commanding Officer, are herby ordered to appear at the usual place of parade of said Company ______ on ______ the ______ day of ______ at ___ o'clock in the ____ noon, armed and equipped as the law directs, for military duty.
By order of said Commanding Officer. Dated at ______ this ____ day of _____ 181_.

March 6 1776 Permit Francis Fortner and one more to [to] pass to Dorchester Point by order Col. Clap
Samuel Rawson, Clerk
To Capt Main Guards

Suffolk SS To Nathaniel Holbrook Capt.
Greeting you are hereby warned to require all the training soldiers and alarm left in the South Parish in Weymouth under my command to meet at the South Parish Meeting House in Weymouth on Thursday the fifteenth day of [this] instant May at 1 oClock afternoon compleat in arms and they are to receive further orders hereof. Fail not and make return of their warrant with your doings some time before the meeting of militia given under my hand and seal dated at Weymouth May 9 1777.
Thom. Nash Capt
N B: You are to warn from the Meeting House down Mutton Lain and over the plain by Asa White.

Suffolk, SS: To Mr Jacob Loud
You are hereby required in the Majestes name forthwith to warn all the enlisted soldiers in the Second [Parish] of Weymouth for His Majesty's service at Castle William that they appear at said castle on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday the 29th Thirtieth and Thirty first of This instant May at 9 of the clock in the forenoon of the first day mentiond with three days provisions and there to attend further orders and return of this warrant with your doings to me the subscriber some time before the time appointed for meeting.
Given under my hand and seal at Weymouth: Pr me Eben White Capt this fifteenth day of May A.D. 1778
The persons to be warned --
Sen: John Shaw: Math'w Porter: Ezekiel White: Samuel Hovey: James Trufant: Zech Shaw: Thos Bate: Calvin White: Daniel Rogers: Joseph Trufant Jr: Matthew Hunt: Jonathan Joy: Will'm Riply: John Hunt: Elisha Lovel: David Blancher: John Vinson: Benja Hollis: Eben Hollis: Jacob Loud: Stephen Pain: Eliphalet Riply: Sam'll Holbrook: Joseph Colson: Elijah Nash: Eben'r Clark: Nehemiah Joy: David Thayer: Micha Lovel
N:B: also Invite them to appear at the meeting house in the 2nd par'sh in Weymouth, the twenty forth day of this instant May at three of the clock in the afternoon.
E. White

Castle Island May 19 1779
Capt Nash T wrote you those lines to let you know that you may inlist a number soldiers here on this place and I would have you come as soon as possible you can. Solomon Nash

Weymouth Nov 18 1782
Alarm List and Train Band Muster
Sir, You are hereby leagally warned to appear at the South Meeting House in Weymouth on Monday AE 25th day of Nov'r instant at 12 of the clock AM with a good fire arm carthridge, bon, bayonet, a lt powder 40 lead balls and 6 flints - hereof fail not
Cap't Tho's. Nash Tho's Vinson Capt