The Weymouth Historical Society has several books available for purchase. Please contact us for payment and shipping options. Most titles are also available at the Holbrook Homestead, 238 Park Ave, South Weymouth.


Weymouth Then and Now by Debbie Sargent Sullivan and Erica Jill Dumont (2016)


Weymouth History by Ted Clarke (2005)
Ted Clarke was a member of the Historical Society and Chairman of the Weymouth Historical Commission. There are a fair number of books about Weymouth, but Clarke wanted this one to be different: "It’s not just for historians. It’s for everyone. And that’s the point. Weymouth’s history is not as well known and understood as it ought to be by everyone who lives in the town, and even by people who don’t. We have a town with a unique and interesting history, and in some ways our town's history and the story of our region and our country alike."


Images of America: Weymouth by Debbie Sargent Sullivan and Joanne Palmieri Tighe (2001)
Take a trip through Weymouth's past in photographs
Price: $20 donation (plus shipping and handling where applicable)


Treasured Recipes Cookbook
A collection of local recipes from our members and their families and friends
Price: $6 donation (plus shipping and handling where applicable)